About the SuperXV site


The SuperXV web site has gone through several formats to get get it is today. The first version of this site went live in 2004 under the name Super14.com. This continued until 2008 when the SuperXV.com site was launched as a sister site to the original. In time the SuperXV site became bigger than the Super14 site so the Super14 domain was moved to the SuperXV site. Effectively SuperXV consumed Super14.

Why did we name it SuperXV ? Back in 2007 when our Super Rugby site was Super14.com, we wanted a more general rugby site so decided against using a brand with a number in it and settled on SuperXV as there will always be 15 (XV) players in a team.  We are proud of the XV brand we have created and moving to a domain with a number in it would be a step backwards. XV is a universal rugby term and we think our site really is quite Super.  It should be noted that we also own the domain Super15.com but have never promoted it as we are focused on the XV in our brand.

Contrary to what some believe the SuperXV brand has nothing to do with the Super Rugby organizers adopting a 15 team format  in 2011. Remember, we launched the SuperXV site in 2008 and the domain was registered in 2007. Super Rugby’s organizers announced that they were expanding to a Super 15 format in 2009 so our brand was live almost two years earlier.

Will the brand change if Super Rugby changes ? There will always be XV players on the field and we have spent years building up the brand. It’s also become the internet’s biggest Rugby website with around 800 000 unique users visiting the site a month in season so we see nothing wrong with the XV brand we have built.

Who runs the site ?

SuperXV is managed by SportsDigitalMedia who also operate other Sports Sites on the internet. The company is mainly focused on rugby reporting but SportsDM do have other interests as well. If you want to know more about SportsDM or the SuperXV site send us an email and ask. We like receiving emails when they are friendly.

Is the site the official Super Rugby site ? 

No. The SuperXV site has no affiliation to the body that runs Super Rugby. We make no excuses for making a professional and quality site but no, it is not the official site.